
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What makes us Unique

What makes us unique?  Some might think it is our different color hair, the way we walk or even our different places that we are from. anyone could deduce this is what make us as humans unique.
I don't think that is is at all. I think what makes us unique is the fact that no matter what we all have the need to he heard in our own way. what i mean from that is that we all have our own different personalities. in come cases that even can be the same like we all have traits of our parents and out peers in us and how we act. that is because we in many cases become what we are around and what we have to be.
I find it interesting that we as I have heard it in many numerous movies and books what is called the human condition that we all are imperfect. and that is the condition. But is that a condition? can we not be perfect? I say we can be In fact i know we can be. you ask yourself was i not perfect today? As you ask yourself that what is perfection. well says that perfection is:
The highest degree of proficiency, skill, or excellence, as in some art
well did you not do that today and i also say you will do that tomorrow as well. even if you just sat on the couch all day and wasted the day you were most likely perfect at that. If you went to work and don't think you achieved what you wanted to do well in that way you were perfect. 
 In this Human condition of ours of striving for perfection what we need to keep in mind is that what ever we end up achieving that day that was perfection. but on the next day we should strive for a different perfection. and even if we don't do anything we will achieve that type of perfection. 
Everything comes down to our perception. how we perceive things. we can always look at things as wow i didnt do anything today, or we can think you know i was able to learn to relax at a different level. the key thing is that we move forward and be happy. if we choose to always look at things as i didn't finish this or that then we will always have doubt. 
so you ask what does this have to do with being unique. Well this is what makes us unique we all have goals well i hope we do. and we all want no matter what want to be recognized for something. But its all on how we choose to be recognized. I can choose to lie and cheat my way to some lofty goal or i can say you know i worked hard and i did my best. as long as we do our best and we go to bed with a clear conscience that is what matters.  That in my crazy little mind is when we might have something. It isn't what we do that matters most its how we do it, and if we choose to be perfect at it. 
 This is what make us Unique.