
Friday, September 23, 2011

Greening Our Mind

Greening Our Minds
            Before we can green our homes we need to green our minds. To do this we have notice the connection between how we think and how we keep our homes, and how good we will do at keeping up a Green routine.
         The first thing that we need to do is to learn to Organize or thoughts, the first and one of the Hardest thing to do but with Practice it Can be done.
            My mom once said “I’m to tired To think” (My mom is going to kill me for using that) but it brings out a good point, unlike most people my mom is one of the few people that know how to think. When she said that she had just finished digging a hole for the new septic tank for there new house to go in. And when I say dig I don’t mean get the back hoe out and dig I mean get the pick and shovel and dig. But my point is that many people in this world don’t know how to think or even want to try that is why we have too many laws that tell people how to live there lives.
Henry Ford said “thinking is a difficult task that is why so few people engage in it”

        When I think of my mind and how it is organized I think of that episode of Spongebob square Pants episode when he  was told to empty his mind So he Can focus on the Job to be done. So it showed a bunch of sponge bobs running around emptying files Shredding and burning the info that didn’t matter... So You are think what does that have to do with anything? Well,  I Organize my thoughts in that way ( No not a bunch of sponge bob people running around shredding and burning everything bit like the files he was shredding) even though I may be thinking of Several things at onetime. I know how to focus on one thing at a time Kind of Like when I was writing this first time I was on a flight from palm beach to Atlanta and the guy that was Sitting beside me Seemed to  be confused on what I was doing I was typing on this book, watching an  Indiana Jones movie and talking to him all at one time that is when he asked if I knew what was going on in the movie so I told him what was just said in the movie then he asked if I knew what I was typing so of course I said I sure do then he said how is it possible to do that you are taking to me ,watching a movie and paying attention to that and writing a book on being green.That is when I explained that over the years. I know you are thinking... Over the years how old are you? Well I am 33 years old but I have learned a lot in these few years that I have been alive. I have learned to focus on many things and be able to organize them in the way that should be. This is why it is hard for me to understand why people have panic attacks or anxiety attacks. Well I take that back I do understand how they get them but not really why because people shouldn’t have to worry about them if they organize their thoughts it wouldn’t  happen. When I think of how that happens, it is like when you have a computer and you have a lot of programs up and running at one time,your computer seems to run slower. Now if you are downloading info from the internet and you have too many programs running your computer sometimes shuts down. So when we have a panic attack that in a since is what is happening. That reminds me of a funny story about one of my brothers had one of these attacks ( it might not be that funny to him but to me it is so ill let you be the judge for yourself you might think I’m  heartless or you could even see the humor in it) He at this time, I believe he was trying to get his house finished had a baby on the way and was working as a cop so as you can see he had a lot of stuff going on in his life. That being said I was working and I got a phone call from my parents saying that my brother was in the hospital suffering from some chest pains and shortness of breath so as we are as a family we always ask each other to keep each other in our prayers so we do but it wasn’t till the next day that I found out the rest of the story I was told by once of my other brothers that he was in the hospital room and the doctor came in to see him as he was sitting there his legs were bouncing up and down he looks at the doctor with the look of terror in is eyes  and says  “What the hell is wrong with me”  (what you know that was funny you would have laughed too if you heard it) I think at this moment there is some one in the world asking them self What the hell is  wrong with me for making fun of my brother o well he can beat me up so i guess i will have to take my lumps. But it is kind of easy to see how the lack of organizing our thoughts can affect us. Not that he cant organize his thoughts well but there is a breaking point for everyone.
 If you haven’t noticed I have interject many of my thoughts while I am typing this book so you can see how my mind really works you are able to get a thought inside of a thought  so i'm either crazy or a genius I'll let you be the judge.
     So you ask how and where do I start ( you know I might be giving you too much credit you are probably sitting there reading this and thinking why am I reading this, This guy is crazy that may be true but you have to give me a little credit I was sane enough to post it on the internet so Ha on you or is it really Ha on me) Well  the best  place to start is figure out what we take in to out minds its like one of the scriptures that I remember it talks about what we think  is what we say and that’s leads to what we do So lets call it Thoughts, Words, Deeds. Now that being said how do we Fix our thoughts well that all comes down what we read, who we hang out with, what we watch. Now I’m not saying that you need to stop doing all of that but I am saying be very careful what we involve ourselves in. There wasn’t a person that cheated on there spouse that wasn’t involved in some kind of pornography and the same is said that a person that robs a store or some one that didn’t watch it on TV and thought about it or even was around the people that do that kind of thing.
      When I was a kid I didn’t do a lot wrong. But there was a few times that when I was a kid and Did like Kids do.  There was this time that a few of my friends wanted to go through water balloons at the gay guys that would hang out at the clock tower,  But as much as I disagree with the lifestyle and the choices that homosexual people make I don’t think they deserve to be smashed with water balloons even though it seemed that it might be funny but who knows how far it would go after that so I chose not to go. I know where they got that idea from because we watched it on TV the night before. It is that kind of stuff that shows that we all influenced by the things that are around us. So it comes down to you, you need to decide what you take into your mind and also what those around you take in. Like my oldest daughter, she likes music so we were driving to the store one day and this song came on the radio that at first didn’t notice what the words were until she started singing them. I know that she didn’t know what they meant. But one day she will so it becomes the responsibility for us to not only be careful what we take into our minds but be a filter for our children.

               So after we start doing things that will help us organize our thoughts and filter out the bad crap that we involve ourselves in how do we clean up what is already there well that is the hard part what is in there is there but here is the good part the more good stuff you allow in the less you will think about the bad stuff and the less influence it can and will have on you.  One thing that my sister does is she keeps a journal but not just one journal but two of them one that she keeps the everyday life kind of stuff but then the other one is her gratitude journal in which she keeps all the good things in life.  It is always there to give her a boost on the days when she gets down and it also shows how much good stuff actually happens in life. The problem with people is that we always dwell on the bad stuff we think I had a bad childhood, I was always picked last; I never have anything good in life happen to me. That is the problem. Because we watch, listen to and involve ourselves with things that are negative so we think that way. But we can change this just by doing things different in out life.

If you were wondering what am I supposed to learn from this well use the check list to help.
                                                   Check List
  • Associate with good people
  • Clean up our thoughts by reading, listening, and watching good things
  • Organize our thoughts on what matter most
  • Don’t dwell on the crap of life
  • Keep a  journal
  • Start a gratitude journal
  • Don’t be negative
  • Don’t be sarcastic
  • Don’t over think

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