
Tuesday, October 11, 2011



     Well now your probably thinking his guy has  just said that I'm lazy and don't want to work... well he doesn't know me. I have worked my butt off been in school to get the education that I need. Well that isn't what I'm talking about . Get an education get as much as you can that was a quote by Gordon B Hinkley . And that is as true now as it was  when he said it . Getting an education isn't just going to school even though it is the most know way to do it. but read, study things, study life and our  surroundings  that is what education is . But there is one little thing that is missing these days and that's common sense which it seams  isn't that common. there are very few that actually practice it these days. We proclaim to be educated but what happens is that we have become educated idiots we spend thousands and thousands of dollars on our education's but we aren't willing to use common sense to govern our lives.  I as for my self don't have an formal education I didn't go to college, even though I most likely will be enrolling when my kids enroll because the more education we have the better off we are. I didn't even graduate from a normal high school. My situation is a little different.  As I say that it isn't that different, when I was in the fifth grade my parents pulled me out of public school and started to home school me and my little brother . Now it wasn't for the reasons that my parents didn't like public schools but the school system was failing when  it came me. I had teachers calling me stupid, and unteachable. And a you know I'm not a stupid guy I am quite teachable but the problem wasn't either of those it was the fact that i have dyslexia. And the teachers just didn't know how to deal with this kind of problem ( well its not really a problem ) what makes it a problem is that the teachers either don't want to help the kids with this kind  of issue or can't, because they are overwhelmed with the work that currently have.
 Now being dyslexic hasn't been a burden, It hasn't been a crutch at all in my life. In many cases,  it has been a blessing , by blessing I mean that I have learned to actually study the one thing that most people out there don't know how to do .
Did you know that  before the Civil War or as I like to call it the war of northern aggression (your welcome dad) That the South had more Private Schools and Colleges than anywhere else in the country. People came from all over the world to learn at the great places of learning. But then came reconstruction, which is a an institutionalized way of teaching. This way of teaching can be forced to where proactive thinkers don't have a chance to stretch their minds and grow both physically and mentally.  During Reconstruction all these schools were disbanded and the public school system of the north was instituted. Now here in the modern days public schools are just as bad. the reasons they are bad is several reasons, teachers are underpaid, overworked I say over worked because the student teach ration is way off balance, and we have just plain bad teachers that have forgotten why they became teacher in the first place. the last one unfortunately seems to becoming a larger group than it use to be.  we need a private rating system for teachers that can be used for the public side to rate teachers this will hold teachers more accountable than what they are currently being held to. this way the good ones can get paid more and the bad ones will be pushed out and forced to find new employment. I know that sounds harsh but if i wad a construction worker and my job was to finish Sheetrock and i was really bad at it then i would be fired from that kind of work and i would have to find a new type of work. it needs to be the same for teachers.
 Now it seems that i am being hard on teachers and putting more responsibility on their shoulders for teaching out children well i am but in turn i have more responsibility on my shoulders as a parent . I in turn as a parent will need to support the teacher on what they do and how they teach out children. which means that i have to actually take an active roll in my child's life. Wow what a novel idea you mean that i cant just use the school as a baby sitter service for 6 to 8 hours.
And so you know, no money isn't the solution to fixing the schools it all starts with us as parents. i will say it again We Need To Take An Active Role in our Children's Lives. I had one Scout leader that did this No I'm not talking about the sick Pervert scout leaders that end up serving time in jail but I'm talking about an awesome Scout leader that i had as a youth that would challenge us to not only do our best but he made us feel like we were going to be great.  You know who you are if you are reading this so stand up and be proud. You were and are the best.
   Well back to education what ever you love go do it learn about it. My grandfather told me  that if you love something then be the best at it and people will pay you to do it.  that is essentially why we go to school and get an education is to make a living. Look at the recently descended Steve Jobs do you think he hated computers and creating new tech. I am pretty sure that it was one of his passions and that he learned as much about it as he could. and continued to learn up till his death .

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