
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Work Work Work

Work Work Work

        Your probably looking at this title and think what does work have to do with anything. Well actually more than you think. Work is essential to life. It makes us who we are and who we will become. Being that I grew up in a family business I had many opportunities to work. More than the average person. It would be an understatement to say that my dad is very creative when it came to having us do things. As a matter fact that reminds me of this time that. My dad had this idea to add on to the house, your thinking well that isn't that bad . Well that's because you are think of the normal way of doing it.  Like let's build a new wing to the house but not this time , his idea was to build down , yes I said down. My dad wanted to add a bedroom for my brother in the basement .nope this wasn't the kind of place that had a basement already. Well it did but it was a crawl space, about  a three foot  crawl space. And thinking about that little job reminds me of when my brother and i were digging in that pit of despair and we didn't want to be down there so we kept on arguing and climbing out the little door in the foundation and do like most kids do and go tattle to mom. I don't know how many times we did that, first me then my brother over and over until i know we must have been driving my mom completely nuts we both climbed out and went running as fast as we could  like kids do we got to my mom just seconds from each other and that was the last draw we had finally taken our mom over the edge and we had just pushed her. ( now before I finish the story let me tell you about my mom,my mom is probably the most wonderful person in the world, now im not trying to suck up, it's the truth she is so innocent it's actually refreshing. Especially with  a world  like we have right now. to show the amount of innocence my wife and my mom were driving to bring my dad and i some lunch we were working on one of my dads rental houses. Now this house wasn't in the most desireable part of town but while they were driving to us they passed a bunch of guys at a house on the corner that were grilling out and smoking  pot . Because you know you can't have bar b que without a little mary jane,  no i have never done any type of drug but you might think so with all the thoughts inside of my wife says "now that is a pot luck" so my mom replys "yea it looks like they have a lot of food there". Now if that doesn't speak volumes about the innocence of my mom then I don't know what will. My mom is one of the most  knowledgeable persons out there except when it comes to things of the world. Now back to my story about the pit of despair  we got to my mom just seconds from each other both speaking at the same time and that is when it happened . One of the most shocking moments in my life. My mom looked at us and said "GET in THAT DAMN BASEMENT AND DIG". It was a huge shock to the system the world completely stopped. Birds stopped singing, hell actually froze over, I even think that was the day that all fairies died that is why we never see them, I don't even remember going back down to the pit, time seamed to stop.  Yea that was the only time in my life that i have heard my mom say a swear word. I know your thinking that isn't bad people say stuff like that all every day well that is where you would be wrong . And if you actually think that then don't you think that is incredibly sad. When we don't get upset or are even shocked when  people use foul language .Bear in mind i was around 12 when that happened and now im in my thirties  Now if that wasn't shocking enough. It wasn't until about a year or two ago that I found out that after my mom said that to us that she went into the bathroom after saying that word and washed her mouth out with soap.   I asked her when i found  that out why did she do that . My mom humbly responded would I have washed your mouth out. .so now your think what did all of that have to do with working . Well guess what I'm about to tell you , but you knew that already . Well we need to work  we have a generations that are not working by choice and by force. But mostly by choice. and when i say by choice its because we seem to look for the loopholes to get money. Money doesn't solve anything it is a means to live. so all of you out there that say that there arent any jobs out there and i cant get one its time to grow up. and get over yourself. I have been there i have made lots of money and i have made no money. let me tell you not having a job is hard but the best thing for me was to loose my pride and just go to work.we have become lazy, I always say that my generation and younger are totally worthless . That's may sound pretty harsh but it's true look at us we don't want to work we just want hand outs my grandfather would be ashamed . I was talking to my brother the other day about many different things and work and living better came up  he lived in hawaii for a couple of years  while finishing  his  college education  he was told by a good close friend of his that described the differences in americans and most of the world, he said that  Americans live to work but a lot of the world work to live , if you think about it that speaks volumes on how we are. I myself am tired of the great run around we need to use our minds better and become more efficient on how we work . Im not saying don't get rich, what i am saying don't for get what is important in life we can have the nicest car the nicest house but if we don't have a good family life or pay attention to what matters most we dont deserve it. This  is why i say Work work work . Get outside and work, work with your family do something creative but just get to work 

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