
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Greening the Family

Greening the family

         When it comes to being green and greening the family, the one thing to remember is that change can be hard for some . Being green means that we have to change the way we think and how we do things. And as I said before go back to the way it use to be .
          I know for children it is easy for change, they adapt very easy but for grown ups it is hard . Just like during the end of the Civil War, the north did what was called Reconstruction. They would basically force the older people to do what was not common for them and have the younger groups trained to follow, This kind of thinking isn’t a new concept it is a Idea that has been used through out all history. That is why it is easier for us in this day to recycle and get into other energy types, because they have been preaching it for years as far back as the early eighties is how far back as I can remember the green agenda being taught.
      Back then it was only excepted by just a few people but now it is easily excepted now. We have become an excepting society but that there is the problem.  That is why I say change can be hard I have been taught that I should believe that global warming is real I have been taught that we need to give up our rights to be protected by our big brother but I my self choose to learn to weed out the truth from the lies. This is why change can be hard because we are taught to not believe people like me because I am crazy, but Ill let you be the judge on that and what ever you decide i will be fine with. ( for one I don’t know You and You might think that you know me but Im just writing this book and it might or might not portray who I am, and 2 its just a book . So who cares)
   Change can be hard and it is hard that is why when it comes to being green we need to believe in what we are doing. If you believe in global warming that's fine with me but if you believe that you need to save money and then the environmental side effects will come as you better your life then that is fine also.
     Growing up, my dad would have us do this thing called the light patrol. It was a sort of a game that he would have us run through the house  as fast as we could to turn the lights off. Now his motives weren't to help the environment bit it was for the effects on his wallet. See that sounded a little selfish but the hard fact is that is the truth . The basic truth is if it saves you money then why not do it .  So you ask yourself how does this help me green the family, well we did the lite patrol as a family. And that is the point doing  things as a family. Like a stated before I am number six of seven kids. So that means that we have tons of stories about each other and with each other. One of the things we did as a kid was have water battles ( yea i know your thinking water battles... how can that be considered green and what the crap how many people were involved well being green as far as the aspects of saving water well that I can say it wasn't but being outside  and doing things as a family was. So I would have to say its time to unplug get your family outside and do something yea i know i saying unplug while I type on my iPad and have the tv on watching the mentalist. It would  seem that im not following my own advise well get over it I have to type this so you can  read it to realize that you didn't really need this but a little common sense. but hey by now we have some sort of relationship and now we have become involved. So keep reading!
       The one thing that I find pretty cool is when I see a family cook together. Which can be fun and entertaining. I have an old missionary companion that has taken is to a whole new level he and his wife have their own blog and Facebook page about their cooking adventures if that is the proper way to say it . But they do it together . They have and make some of the most incredible meals i have ever seen and many their recipes are awesome. But that is the point of this being green as a family and do something together it isn't that hard it all comes down to our attitudes . What? You want me to to tell you what the name of the Blog of course  i will tell you the name of this wonderful food guru it's two peas in their pod .
      The key thing is getting outside. My sister is a great example of this her and her family seem to always be doing something outdoors. I was privileged to join them on one of these such events. I was out in Las Vegas working a few years back and i stayed at my sisters house for the weekend. one morning my sister asked if i wanted to join them on a hiking trip to Zion National park.  I'm not sure if you ever have had a chance to go to this awesome place but it is beautiful i wish it was possible to build a house in the park because it would like living in heaven. so of coarse i said yes so we drive a couple of hours to the park my brother inlaw suggested that we go up to angels landing which i think is one of the tallest points of the park. it was about a 13 mile hike if i remember right but who knows i could be wrong or it seemed that long.. anyway the hike was awesome the company was great and they way everyone worked together couldn't have been better.
     As far as doing things outside, one thing that i did a lot as a kid was Rollerblade all over town. i would say my friends and i did this all the time, in fact there was this one time we decided to go down this one hill in town that wad about the tallest and longest hill in town it was named Clock Tower Hill, on 5th Ave. the thing about this hill was that it had two traffic lights and it crossed those lights were usually busy intersections. So us brain dead teenagers figured that the best time would be at 2:am so as the night went on and it came closer to 2 we started getting ready my dad wanted me to get him up because he figured that we better have an adult there to at least call 911 for us since he and my mom couldn't talk us out of this. so its time to be stupid we my friends and i figured to be safe we would start at the middle just to see how we would maneuver the little dip at the bottom of the hill. so my friend heads down then i go but in the middle of my first run a cop drives up I'm thinking crap I'm committed now and I'm going to jail. so i get to the bottom the cop looks over at me and says son what do you thin you are doing... i looked at him  knowing that it is illegal to Rollerblade on the road and said well sir I'm just trying to see how big of an idiot i really am he said well you know the law don't you i s yes sir i reply he then said well lets see if i can clock you coming down. The fact that there gathered about 20 or 30 people were out watching a bunch of young idiots go down a hill might have been what saved me or he might have just wanted to us do it. well i turned around and got to the top of that hill faster than i ever had due to the excitement. he flashed his lights to let me know it was clear of crossing traffic so a went off from the top. i pushed it as hard as i could because this was an experience that most likely wouldn't happen again so why not. i hit the bottom in just seconds my wheels were humming i pass him and quickly turn to get back to him he says well now i can get you for speeding and blading on the street my heart sank and he could tell from the look on my face that i was a little scared and says wow that was worth now go home and don't be stupid like that again. by the way you were going 35 then he drove off. 
      The only thing that story was good for was the fact that i was outside having fun so weather it's doing something you enjoy,food, water battles, doing the light patrol it doesn't matter just un plug, turn your tv off get outside and do something with your family.

You will thank me later.

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