
Monday, September 26, 2011

Greening Our Bodies.

    Greening our bodies
           Greening our bodies is not some weird fungus or bad Rash I am referring to what makes us Healthy. Not that you didn't know that .
Now this becomes a personal thing for each of us and out families. We all knew we need proper exercise, Need to eat right but it all gets More Personal than that. I know for myself I am Hypoglycemic which in many cases is Self Induced from eating the wrong things till now and if I’m not careful It will turn into full Diabetes.
              The day that I found out that I had Hypoglycemia was a very good but frustrating day. My wife and I got up at 3 A.M. to get to Atlanta so we could get sealed as a family, So we go to Atlanta to the temple. We go through a temple session and while in that session I started not to feel very good but I wasn’t sure what was wrong. So we finish the session and then go into the sealing room we get started and right about the middle I start to feel worse and then Elder Scott leans over to me and says are you ok then the last thing that I  remember was I said that I don’t feel very well then I go out (yes I passed out I) I passed out in the middle of one of the most important moments in my life. ( You know it seems like when something is important there is always a distraction or something that gets in the way) so I come to and I see Shannon looking over me and she is crying and she says you are trying to get out of it well of course that wasn’t true but in moment like that when you are scared or dis trot you never know what will happen.  So we end up finish up the sealing and leave the temple and go get something to eat we go eat  at the olive garden which is Shannon’s favorite place to eat and then we go straight to the Doctor office. And that is when I found out that I was hypoglycemic (well not right then but a few days later I did) But as far as being green and saving money the doctor gave me a prescription for ibuprofen it was for 800 milligrams so I go to Wal-Mart to get the prescription and ask the pharmacist what the difference between the prescription and like Advil he says well you will need to take more of the Advil at one time and About $25 dollars so guess what I did. ( Go On guess oh common I sure you will be right ) see that wasn’t that hard  and you were right. As from that day I can’t say that I have been exercising every day and eating right but I try but as I said before Greening our bodies is a personal thing and we all know what we all need to do.
   As far as doctors go I think there is a good number out there that really want to help people but I also think that there is just as many out there that want to just get kick backs from pharmaceutical companies and are out just get money from insurance companies. But on the other side the good doctors that really want to help people. Like my dads pediatrician which in fact was mine and until she retired was my first daughters. Her name is Dr Denmark she has been alive for over one hundred years and has practiced medicine for most of that time she is what I call a real doctor. When you would go to her you would show up there and it was first come first serve and it only cost sixteen dollars (yea I know that is awesome) but she doesn’t practice anymore but that is the way it is. So there lies the hard part finding a good doctor and also using a little common since and in many cases just figure out how to get well by ourselves. For instance when we were living down in Florida Logan my youngest son ended up with thrush well that is what I thought it was so Shannon (My Wife)   decide that she would take him to the doctor to see what is was so she goes and sits in the doctor office for 2 and a half hours then she gets to see the doctor and he just looks at him and say that there isn’t anything that is wrong with Logan. So after sitting for a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes counting the time waiting and talking with the doctor we knew nothing. So I take Logan to the local pharmacist to see if they knew anything when I start talking to the pharmacist she says that it looks and sounds like it is thrush but she said legally she can’t say that but if he was my son she would give him... and she went on to tell me what I could buy that would fix this problem. Just like I thought and after talking to several people like my mom the pharmacist and my sister within a couple of days Logan was all better. That shows that a lot of doctors just don’t give a crap of they just are doing their time till they get there kick backs. And more often than not a good old home remedy is the right  prescription.
           Another way that makes us happy and makes us healthy is when we laugh. Laughter is one of the best things that we can do that will make us feel good Just like in Mary Poppins when they have that seen where they are singing I love to laugh . They describe different laughs. In my family we have a large assortment of laughs but the one that stands out the most to me is my sisters she has this HEHEHEHEHE kind of laugh it is very funny well funny to us at least. I know that we have teased me sister enough that she has taken extra effort to try to change her laugh when she is around us just so she won’t do the HEHEHE thing. But there is one time that really sticks out to me when I think of laughing. It was when My wife’s Aunt wedding reception we were helping to get things started and my wife’s grandmother was talking to one of the family members that was there and they said something funny( well I assume it was funny but who am I to say what is funny. I'm writing a book in hopes that it will be funny but probably Failing miserably ) and she let out one of the biggest SNORTS that a person could ever give it was almost as if 100 pigs Snorted all in unison. Now that isn’t the funny part ( well it was funny But not until I open my big mouth)  after I herd this I was talking to my soon to be wife ( I call Shannon My soon to be wife because at that time we were about to elope ) so I say what the heck was that so I started laughing… I guess I was the only one that herd the Ginormigantuium snort (I always wanted to use that word)  So then I had to explain why I was laughing so then I proceeded to demonstrate what I herd but the only problem was it seemed that I was standing in the part of the cultural hall that makes noises echo all over the room so I did my impression of the snort. But the difference is either everyone is so use to hearing her snorts and they ignore them but when I did it the room all stopped and everyone stared at me . But the looks from everyone were nothing compared to the searing stair that was burning a hole in the back of my head .  Needless to say  My imitation snort  was even louder that the 100 Swine chorus that I heard . So I turned around and saw the look that I was getting and said Oh well.  I thought it was funny and kept setting up chairs ..
      I guess the most Importing thing that we need to remember is We need to do what our bodies are telling us This morning i wasn't feeling that well it was just basic lack of energy so what did i do i went and ran a couple of miles. And you ask yourself that doesn't seem like what i would do. In fact i feel better now because my body needed me to go stretch out and exercise. I am glad i listened to what i was being told.  That is what we really need to do is listen to what our bodies are saying.And sometimes that means go to the Doctor for help.

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