
Friday, September 23, 2011

Living Green

Living green Seems to be the subject on everyone's minds these days. Not that they are doing it wrong but for the most part they are.

As you can see being green is one of the main subjects i am being forced to talk about right now, because it seem we seem to focus on that more these days than anything else.

What makes green living  or living green so good versus what is thought to be the norm. Even that Sounds funny Green Living is Kind of what was practiced back in the old days but we have forgotten that. My Sister is a big quilter and She was telling me that they used to use the bags that flour Came into make Quilts out of them  But that wasn’t the only thing that they would use them for. But when it caught on the flour Companies Would Put Patterns on the bags that would be for Clothes and More.
That is why I say it sounds weird because Recycling Cutting back doing things different isn’t that different at all we are just going back to the beginning.  Living green is about Consumption and follow your feelings  don’t forget that. I once had a Person tell me that or feelings will lie to us but that Person is crazy He has no concept of reality, but what do you expect from a Person that doesn’t believe what they preach. I say this because he is a preacher and he claims to believe the bible but I know he reads it but he doesn’t believe it, or live it.
        One thing to keep in mind when it comes to a green life style or anything that we do in life we will always make mistakes and have failures so when you try you fail, you try, you fail but the only failure is not to keep trying.
    Being green is a personal thing , we can go from one extreme to the other, we might want to just cut back on our power bill or we might be the ones that want to live totally off the grid it all is up to us. When I say green I’m not just talking about the environmental effects that in my mind is a by product of living right. For the most part being green is a way to save money and go back to our roots and the way of living that our parents and grandparents use to live but with more conveniences.  I myself like my power my internet, my iPad and such these things are here to help us but it is our responsibility to use them wisely .

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