
Thursday, September 22, 2011


Well since this the second time I am writing this. It is possible that will better that the first time that I wrote it. I know you are probably wondering why are you writing this again well it was just a couple of years when my car was broken into and some lovely person decided that they needed my laptop and many of the other things that was in my car more than I do. Not only did they get my laptop but they also got my wife’s purse and all her identity so we had to start from scratch on her (well as far as getting her documents back) So now I need to try to remember everything that I wrote on my last computer because like an idiot I didn’t back up this wonderful book.
I guess the reason that I am writing this book (Well Blog Now) is to make money (just kidding) I’m writing it because I see the need for a guide for people to use in there life so they can live better and function better in society. (Well I guess its is for the money too) But that being said if we all haven’t noticed we are in need to change our life styles we are a throw away society and we need to fix that problem if that means that we need to go green then we need to do it. But being green just doesn’t just mean recycling or such but it is the way we think do things and function.

I think i will break a lot of rules when it comes to this writing this ( But that means that there has to be rules to break ) because i’m going to talk about Religion, Politics, Family and what ever else I find the need to ramble on about. Many things will probably not be politically correct but when we realize that no matter what we do someone is going to be offended. In this blog you will see that all we need to do is go back to basics. Like when it comes to being green that is just a color that we now associate with saving the planet, but what it should mean is we need to be more frugal and living closer to the way that we use to be. When I think of colors it reminds me of when I was working on one of my dads rental properties and the constable came by to tell us when she would be there to evict the people that were living there while she was there she brought up the fact that she couldn’t stand that her people just don’t pay there bills while talking to her she brought up that colored people just need to grow up a little so I asked her why do you call your people colored so she replies well that is what we are you are white that is when I had to interrupt her and say I have to disagree as you would say black or colored people aren’t colored or even black That is when I could see that she was a little confused so I explained that I am the colored one I have kind of cream colored skin blue eyes red hair and when I am out in the sun my skin turns red or pink so a person could come to the conclusion that the Caucasian race would actually be colored and that the black people are in fact a brown people so there shouldn’t be a type of grouping of people. She started to laugh and said that that made more since than anything else that she has ever heard of. So she also said that I guess I should have said we are African American which I had to disagree with also because if she is African American then I must be European American or German, English, Irish, Cherokee American. Which is just too long to say I think we should say we are just American because we all are born in this great country? She said that if many people thought that way they would be better off.
To me it doesn’t matter what the person looks like but what does matter is that is what that person stands for and what that person acts like. There is just one type of person that I would say that I am predigest against and that is stupid people and they come in all shapes and sizes and colors. but that is why it is so important that we not only get educated but learn to use common sense, it seems that Common Sense isn’t that common these days but I will talk about that later in this wonderful rants of my crazy little mind.

I guess the best Way to start is to tell a little about myself. If you haven't noticed I am a little conservative when it comes to the way that I think. I am number 6 of 7 Kids (no not Goats) Children. In my Family we were raised to do many things, many of which Ill talk about in the posts to come .But I will say that we grew up in family owned business at least as far back that I can remember. My dad did work for the phone company for a long time too but as far as I can remember we always owned a family owned business. Don't you just love memories. If you don’t then rethink your life a little because with out our memories we have nothing, they are what make us what are or what we will become or will help us on what we will become, (hey that was Pretty Good).If you haven’t noticed I talk to myself so this also means that I am talking to myself and to you also Cool Huh( as you can see I am a little crazy but the thing is I must typing the way that we all think but I’m not afraid to admit it.
There is 6 boys and, 1 girl in my family so there was many things that we did that were funny And some not so funny things but that is what makes up life. I cant say that this blog will make you laugh or even make you cry but I can say that it is going to be full of a lot of words that will be put together in a way that some kind of emotion will come out hopefully disappointment wont be one of them,But what do I care you subscribed to this blog and see the advertisements so now I have your money and so at least one of us will be happy.

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